As a Hematologist/Oncologist and Vascular Biologist, I have a broad basic science and clinical background in transplantation and organ regeneration, and tumor niche targeting. My group was the architect behind the development of the therapeutic "Vascular Medicine" discipline. We have devised innovative technologies and mechanistic approaches to set forth the novel concept that endothelial cells are not just passive conduits to deliver nutrients but rather establish an instructive vascular niche, by deploying unique angiocrine growth factors, regulate homeostasis of normal and malignant stem cells. We have developed technologies to manufacture the first-in-man infusional endothelial cells to regenerate injured organs or target cancerous tissues. This work is being translated to the clinical setting in an ongoing phase I/II trials for intravenous infusion of the endothelium to stimulate organ repair without provoking fibrosis.
As the Principal Investigator on several previous NIH-funded grants, I administer the projects (e.g., staffing, research protections, budget), collaborate with other researchers, and have produced numbers of peer-reviewed publications. I have demonstrated a record of productive research projects in an area of high relevance for tumor targeting.